
Servicing Chicago's West Side and South Suburban Communities...
Welcome to the Patricia's Place!
Founded in 2016, Patricias Place is a multifaceted community-based organization that is committed to improving the quality of life for victims who experienced or are experiencing Domestic Violence. Our dedicated professional team and volunteers strive to provide holistic human services that are designed to work toward elimination of Domestic Violence against female victims and children. We offer an array of supportive services for women, children, men, and LGBTQ community who have been victimized and traumatized by abuse. Patricias Place moto is “Join the Fight, Save a Life & help bring an end to Domestic Violence”
Therefore, we invite you to review our website and join Patricias Place Domestic Violence efforts to
Educate Strengthen Empower Overcome
We need your assistance: We hope that after reviewing our website you are inspired and motivated to join us in our steadfast efforts to change the lives of Domestic Violence Families
“I’ve never met a woman who is not strong, but sometimes they don’t let it out. Then there’s a tragedy, and then all of a sudden that strength comes. My message is let that strength come out before the tragedy.”