Founder/Executive Director
Latosha D. Barnes, “A voice for the Voiceless” is an astonishing speaker, advocate and author, who informs, motivates and empowers women from all aspects of life. She is also a survivor of Domestic violence who has a passion and determination to help others overcome, move beyond abuse and ultimately find their freedom.
While healing from her own abuse, God blessed and trusted her with the ultimate assignment of birthing and building Patricia’s Place Domestic Violence Shelter. This Harvey IL native earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisplinary studies and two Master degrees in Criminal justice and Addiction Studies. Currently the Founder and Executive Director of Patricia’s Place and also a first time publisher, Latosha uses her voice, personal experience and education to enlighten others to help release them from domestic violence bondage and escape the chains that once had them bound. She takes pleasure in counseling and empowering women who are or were victims of Domestic Violence know their worth and encourage them to walk in their divine destiny.
She is a champion in fighting against Domestic Violence and an extraordinary masterpiece in her walk with Christ. Latosha is the proud mother of six daughters, a loving wife, and the author of Unveil, a ten step self-help guide and activity resource to healing from DV. She is the creator and an accomplished planner when it comes to events for Patricia’s Place.
Latosha has spent her time diligently volunteering for homeless, DV shelters and her church ministry. She has received recognition for her commitment and dedication to her academic honors, various certificates and a life time member of O.E.S.